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Situata in mijlocul desertului Iudeea, Marea Moarta este cea mai sarata din lume, avand intre 288 g si 325 g de sare/litru de apa( in comparatie cu apa de mare care contine in medie 35 g). Marea Moarta este atat de sarata, incat niciun peste nu poate trai in ea.

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Limba engleza minoritati - subiect - sesiunea I proba F varianta 3

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Minoritati / L3 - proba f

Sesiunea iunie - iulie 2005 Varianta 3
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.
- Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 3 ore.
SUBJECT 1 30 points
a. Read the following text and write the central idea of the fragment. 10 points
Time magazine reports that American Greetings Company, a national giant in the greeting card industry, has developed a line of cards called In Touch. Hallmark, another national giant, is doing the same with their Professional Touch and Moment by Moment product lines. The giants are entering the emotional greeting card market rather late. They are competing with smaller, regional card companies such as Carolyn Bean in San Francisco and Blue Mountain Arts in Colorado.
Market researchers have wondered why these cards are such big sellers today. Some of them believe that millions of Americans want greeting cards to express their strongest feelings for them. These deep emotions may be easier to express through a card because someone else is saying them for you.
b. Read the text again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). On your answer sheet, write T or F next to the number indicating each sentence. 10 points
1. In Touch is a line of cards developed by Hallmark.
2. Giants selling emotional greeting cards are new on the market.
3. Giant companies are competing with smaller ones.
4. Emotional greeting cards sell very well these days.
5. Few Americans use greeting cards to express their strongest feelings.
c. Change the following sentences into questions: 10 points
1. Emotional greeting cards express strong feelings.
2. The company has developed lately.
3. In Touch is a national line of cards.
4. Larger companies are competing with smaller ones.
5. Emotional greeting cards are new on the market.
SUBJECT 2 30 points
a. One of the underlined forms is wrong. Choose the correct form and write it on your answer sheet: 10 points
1. Your sister's arriving here today, doesn't / isn't she?
2. He said he had phoned / phoned you the day before.
3. How often have you seen / do you see your friend lately?
4. Who does / is doing the washing up this week?
5. Our plans depended entirely on the weather / on weather being nice.
b. Read the dialogue below to fill in the missing information. On your answer sheet, write only the missing words next to the number indicating each blank space. 20 points
A: It's so nice to be here in Paris with you, Lisa. I can't wait 1) ... .......... shopping!
L: You've come 2) ............... right place. Boutiques, antique shops, enormous department stores, - you can shop till you drop, my dear.
A: That's great. Where 3) ........................ first?
L: Well, the centre of the city is full of antique shops. You should go there first.
A: Oh, Lisa! 4) ......... you coming with me?
L: I can't, I'm afraid, but I'll meet you later 5) ......... afternoon.
A: Ok. I'll see you then.
SUBJECT 3 30 points
In 200 - 250 words / about 25 lines, write about a nice day you once spent with your
friends. Use the following plan:
Para 1: when and where you went;
Para 2: what you and your friends did there;
Para 3: the people you met there;
Para 4: the atmosphere;
Para 5: your feelings and thoughts about that day.